A Great Money Habit to Teach Your Children

August 2, 2024

Your Fresno financial advisor will discuss how following these money habits can put your children ahead when they enter the real world—they might even become millionaires before 40!

Money Habit #1: Save a $500 emergency fund

Saving $500 might seem tough for a high schooler, but it’s crucial. This money habit helps handle unexpected expenses like flat tires or cracked phone screens. There are many ways to save:

Save allowance, birthday, or holiday money

Sell unwanted items online or at yard sales

Offer services like babysitting or lawn care

Get a part-time job (if schedule allows)

Ask parents for paid household chores

Tutor other students

Work full-time during summer breaks

Students should budget their earnings and save as much as possible in a dedicated account. It may be challenging at first, but reaching the $500 goal is rewarding.

Interestingly, a research team study found that students who took a personal finance course in high school were three times more likely to prefer $500 in the bank over a smartphone.

Money Habit #2: Get out of debt

Even teenagers can have debt—car payments, credit cards, or money owed to parents or friends. This money habit, the debt snowball method can help them become debt-free:

Stop accumulating debt (cut up credit cards)

List debts from smallest to largest

Pay minimum on all debts except the smallest

Put extra money towards the smallest debt

When smallest debt is paid, roll that payment into the next smallest

Repeat until debt-free

Being debt-free gives students an advantage in future financial planning and helps them cash-flow their college education.

Money Habit #3: Pay cash for your car

When it’s time for students to buy their first car, they should pay with cash.

A decent used car costs about $3,000. By saving $300 monthly, teens could buy it in 10 months, or in 15 months at $200 monthly. Saving before buying makes the purchase more meaningful and encourages responsible driving. Without car payments, they can focus on their next financial goal.


Determining whether you can truly afford a particular purchase is a critical step in making wise financial decisions. Your financial advisor Fresno, Ca understands that by understanding your financial situation, assessing your income and expenses, considering your financial goals, and creating a budget, you can confidently evaluate whether a purchase aligns with your overall financial well-being.

We have a strong team of professionals helping ensure you receive all the assistance you need not only in developing your retirement income strategy, but in maintaining it throughout your retirement. Contact us today at 559-230-1648 or visit us today at Soutas Financial to get your retirement plans on track for success!

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